

Our cleaning service is charged per hour, rates on request. Therefore, if the property is reasonably clean when we arrive, it will take less time and cost you less money, the opposite also being true. Our Clients are only charged for the hours worked, not travelling times. 

We can estimate the following cleaning times for the follow property types:

The accounts are updated once monthly and emailed to the client directly.


All linen is dealt with by us, and is charged per kilogram. This is a wash, dry and iron service and it includes collection and delivery. Items like duvets, protectors, curtains etc are charged per item. Rates on request.

Steam Cleaning

We also offer a steam cleaning service for carpets, mats, mattresses, sofas  and wooden floors. This is an extra service and not included in a normal changeover clean. Please ask for more details.


Should your guest have any concerns or problems and need to call us out, we charge a €20.00 (+23% IVA)* fee. This gives them an hour of our time and any phone calls needed. 

Thereafter an extra hourly rate will be charged on top. This fee is charged to the guest or owner. After office hours additional charges will apply.

*(Valid until Dec 31st, 2025)